Ty-Flot Foreign Material Exclusion Ty Flot FME Products


Ty Flot FME Products - FME means Foreign Material Exclusion.


Ty-Flot is a global leader in dropped object prevention and foreign material exclusion, a trusted partner invested in protecting people and powering businesses.


Safety Experts. Trusted Partners. Global Leaders.

Ty-Flot is a global leader in dropped object prevention and foreign material exclusion, a trusted partner invested in protecting people and powering businesses, and an industrial safety solution provider. Whether you are a business in need of top-level safety programs and training, or an on site worker in need of real time tool safety products and tips, we have the solution for you.

Ty-Flot’s contribution to advancing industrial safety through dropped tool prevention and foreign material exclusion programs has earned the trust of companies worldwide. As partners of the industry we do a lot more than sell products. We are connected to the industry, businesses, clients, and their families and communities through our commitment to safety. As such, we consider it an honor and privilege to make a positive impact on the lives that we touch through our partnerships, products, and services.

It’s our job to keep you safe. It’s our passion to create solutions that will work now and in the future. A company built on a foundation of innovation; we are a team of problem solvers, systems thinkers, and creative mavericks committed to crafting safety solutions that solve real time challenges.

Built On Innovation

In the early 90s, two brothers were working for a nuclear service company. They realized it could cost their employer millions of dollars to fix preventable problems. In 1995 they patented their first product, a device that would stop foreign materials from sinking to the bottom of a nuclear reactor pool by keeping cable ties afloat and easily retrievable. The rapid success of the cable tie float earned the brothers a reputation for real time problem solving and Ty-Flot was born.

Driven by the idea that a tiny investment in safety prevention and planning could save companies a lot of time and money, the brothers decided to create a full service solution centerβ€”one that would provide a series of safety tools and training programs for dropped object prevention and foreign material exclusion. Today, Ty-Flot is a global safety leader and trusted partner to client companies across several industries including coal, wind, oil, nuclear, and energy.

Quality Assurance

We believe safety and quality have a lot in common. Our quality assurance philosophy matches the mentality of our all-star safety program. It is better to prevent defects in items as they are created rather than search them out after they are producedβ€”just like it is better to prevent safety hazards than it is to spend time and money cleaning up accidents after the fact. Our systems-based quality control is designed into the full process of product creation to ensure durable and reliable products. Our constant focus on prevention stops defects through every phase of the development process. We also follow up with a detailed final inspection to ensure that our customers receive only the highest quality safety solutions.


We were the first to come up with a floating cable tie, the hardhat lanyard, and too many other things to list. We continuously position ourselves at the intersection of cutting edge technology and proven solutionsβ€”riding the latest waves of innovation, and creating new inventions that solve customer problems. When you do business with Ty-Flot, you become an industry insider and you’ll be the first to get the exclusive on our latest discoveries.