Ask anyone who has gotten sick or injured without health insurance and you’ll know how it feels for a company without an FME program. Prevention is the key to protecting your people, and accelerating your business.
The Cost of Foreign Material Accidents
- Worker Injury: Worker injuries are not only extremely expensive, but damaging to team morale and team productivity. They are the most important reason to implement FME procedures.
- Damaged Equipment: Damaged equipment is costly to repair. Preventing foreign material from entering engines and foreign debris from entering machinery will save significant money.
- Outages / Downtime: Lost production time to fix equipment and retrieve lost items is one of the most costly aspects of sub-par foreign material exclusion controls.

Ty-Flot can help you:
- Implement a Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) Program for the first time
- Fortify your current FME program
- Execute your written FME procedure more effectively
- Use the power of prevention to save money and increase productivity
FME Products
The reality is that most of the parts which are specially manufactured for foreign material exclusion are comparably priced to those items that are not fit for use in FME and offer greater benefit with a smaller upfront cost and larger return on investment over time.
As a one-stop shop for FME products, our commitment to excellence goes beyond industry standards. We offer a full spectrum of FME control including FME covers, tool tethers, low-impact FME alternatives, non-metal versions of common tools, tinted plastics and more.
Foreign Material Exclusion Awareness and Training
Education is the foundation of prevention. A large percentage of accidents are caused by workers who don’t have foreign material exclusion training, and miss something obvious in their normal routine.
Ty-Flot specializes in prevention awareness programs customized to your unique business. We’ll diagnose your biggest concerns, then create a program designed to achieve results. Your workers will remember what they’ve learned because Ty-Flot training is simple, powerful, and effective.
Check out the Ty-Flot YouTube videos as a free resource to enhance your FME training program, or have us create and deliver a fully customized supplemental training program suitable for your needs.
Maximize results on a limited budget
Our mission is to make you a lean, mean, FME machine. If you want to achieve the best results on a limited budget you need experts that know the ins and outs of lean operations, quality management, and resource management as they apply to your FME program. In order to save time and money implementing an FME program, you must start with streamlining the basics.

Just one dropped object accident can take a life and bankrupt your business. According to the National Safety Council, One employee death costs more than 1.4 million dollars.* An injury caused by a dropped object occurs every 10 minutes in the United States. That’s more than 50,000 dropped object accidents every year. *
Ty-Flot stops dropped object accidents in their tracks with comprehensive dropped object prevention tools, training, and staffing programs designed for real world work place challenges.