NPL2  2.25” FME Sponges 25/Pkg

NPL2 2.25” FME Sponges 25/Pkg

  • $185.00
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2.25” FME Sponges 25/Pkg


Laminated Sponge


  • Quick installation & removal
  • Low Halogen and Heavy Metals
  • Conforms to uncommon dimensions & shapes
  • Withstands flange sandblasting
  • Fail safe handles
  • Remain in position indefinitely
  • Custom made to fit L.P. & H.P. extraction ports, tube & seal openings
  • Sponges can be withdrawn and inserted through manhole openings
  • Doughnut sponges available for turbine oil application
  • Material is non-reactive to oil & non-flamable facing is available


F.M.E. (foreign material exclusion) during turbine repairs presents the challenge of closing an irregular cavity with a versatile material to block debris. Earlier methods consisted of rags, tape, wood, or air bladders. Turbine Safe-T-Sponges® offer a number of advantages.

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